When you are facing bankruptcy, you probably have many questions about how it is done and what to expect. You probably have creditors to deal with and may even be worried about losing your home. You may also be wondering if you need an attorney, and if so, what kind? Here are some of the most commonly asked questions that come up when it’s time to hire a bankruptcy attorney:
What Type of Bankruptcy Should I File?
There are two main types of bankruptcy that can be filed by a private party, which are Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you need to start over with a clean slate and are unable to pay off creditors, Chapter 7 may be right for you. If you are able to make some payments when given extra time and if you wish to keep some assets, like a home, then Chapter 13 may be the right choice.
What Documents Will I Need?
There are quite a few financial documents that you’ll need in order to file. These include tax returns for the last two years as well as pay stubs and bank statements for the past six months. Credit card statements, loan paperwork and a property and assets list are also needed.
How Long Does the Process Take?
A bankruptcy case can take about four months to complete once it is filed with the court. Having an experienced attorney can make this go as smoothly and quickly as possible.
What Are the Fees?
The court’s filing fees are just over $300. If you hire an attorney, you will need to pay his or her fee as well. You can often discuss a payment plan with the attorney that meets your needs.
How Can A Bankruptcy Attorney Help Me?
There are many ways in which a bankruptcy attorney can help your bankruptcy process go more smoothly. A skilled bankruptcy attorney can anticipate any problems that may arise, preparing to deal with them ahead of time. He or she will also be familiar with the court personnel and can do much of the talking for you.
Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With a Long Island Bankruptcy Attorney Today
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy, call to schedule a free consultation with a Long Island bankruptcy attorney today. At the Law Offices of Scott R. Schneider, we will treat you with respect and will use our twenty-nine years of experience to help you get a fresh financial start. We serve the cities of Long Island, Melville, Lindenhurst and surrounding Nassau and Suffolk County communities. Visit our website at https://nassaubankruptcyattorney.com or call us at (516) 433-1555 and speak with our friendly staff who will be happy to answer your questions.
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Bankruptcy Practice Spotlight
If you are facing a possible foreclosure, I can take my two-plus decades of experience to help you save your house.
I understand how stressful the prospect of losing a house can be and am committed to working one-on- one with you to understand all details involved in your financial situation.