When your credit card, student loan, or other kinds of debt have become more than you are able to handle, you may be thinking about filing for personal bankruptcy in New York. If you are preparing to make this decision, it makes sense to find out everything you can about how the process works. One way to do this is to consult with a New York state bankruptcy lawyer who has worked with bankruptcy courts and who is familiar with the filing process and paperwork. Having the help of an experienced personal bankruptcy attorney Melville can ensure that you choose the right type of bankruptcy to file and that you get through the process efficiently and smoothly.
Credit Counseling, Gathering Documentation and Filing
Because of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act, any individual who files for bankruptcy must undergo credit counseling within a six month period of filing. This will help those who file to move forward with better knowledge about how to handle debt and credit. Before filing, it is important to gather all of the necessary documentation of your sources of income and living expenses as well as your assets and debts. You should also gather all tax return information for the last two years and documentation of all loans. This information can then be used by your bankruptcy attorney Melville to file the petition for bankruptcy. Once it is filed, an automatic stay is triggered, and your creditors cannot continue to call or harass you for payment. However, you must be truthful and transparent about all of your assets and debts.
Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With a New York State Bankruptcy Lawyer Today
If you want to learn more about filing for personal bankruptcy, call to schedule a free consultation with a Long Island bankruptcy lawyer today. At the Law Offices of Scott R. Schneider, our experienced and professional legal staff will evaluate your financial situation and help you determine the best course of action to follow. We serve the towns of Long Island, Melville, Lindenhurst and surrounding Nassau and Suffolk County communities. Visit our website at https://nassaubankruptcyattorney.com or call us at (516) 433-1555 . Let our skilled legal staff help you take your financial life in a more positive direction.
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If you are facing a possible foreclosure, I can take my two-plus decades of experience to help you save your house.
I understand how stressful the prospect of losing a house can be and am committed to working one-on- one with you to understand all details involved in your financial situation.